Maximize the efficiency of document management in the company - PROPEL BLOG


Friday, December 8, 2023

Maximize the efficiency of document management in the company


Understand the company's document needs

To determine how to optimize a company's document management , you must first understand its needs. Documents can be classified into different categories, such as:

  • Administrative documents (invoices, contracts, pay slips, etc.)
  • Technical documents (plans, diagrams, user manuals, etc.)
  • Marketing documents (sales brochures, catalogs, presentations, etc.)

Each category of document requires a specific approach in terms of management, storage and access to information. Thus, it is essential to assess the needs of the company in order to implement processes adapted to each type of document.

The advantages of good document management

Effective document management has several benefits for the business:

  1. Save time: quickly finding a document saves time and avoids loss of information.
  2. Better organization: appropriate classification of documents facilitates their accessibility and daily management.
  3. Cost reduction: by optimizing resource management (paper, printing ink, storage media), it is possible to reduce expenses linked to document management.
  4. Security: protecting and controlling access to sensitive documents ensures better confidentiality of the information contained.

Solutions to optimize document management

Dematerialization of documents

Dematerialization consists of digitizing paper documents in order to make them accessible in electronic form. This has several advantages:

  • Reduction in the volume of paper and printing ink , with a saving on associated costs.
  • Easy search and access to documents, thanks to advanced search tools.
  • Better data security, through regular backups and controlled file access.

However, dematerialization must be carried out in compliance with certain legal and technical standards, particularly in terms of conservation of originals and electronic signatures.

Electronic document management (EDM)

Electronic Document Management (EDM) is an IT solution for managing, storing and archiving digital documents. It offers several features:

  • Indexing of documents to facilitate their search.
  • Control access to information based on the usage rights assigned to different users.
  • Tracking changes made to documents and managing successive versions.

Implementing a DMS can be complex, due to the many options available on the market. It is therefore advisable to carefully study the needs of the company as well as the solutions offered by the various suppliers before making a choice.

Outsourcing of document management

Another solution is to outsource document management to a specialized service provider. This option has various advantages:

  • Save time: the service provider takes care of all tasks related to document management, thus freeing up time for internal staff.
  • Expertise: the service provider generally has extensive experience in this field, guaranteeing optimal document management.
  • Cost reduction: depending on the volumes of documents to be managed and the services offered, outsourcing can be more economical than implementing an in-house solution.

However, it is important to choose a trusted service provider, capable of guaranteeing the security of information and compliance with current legal standards.

To maximize the effectiveness of document management in the company, it is essential to assess the company's specific needs and implement appropriate processes. The solutions involve the dematerialization of documents, the implementation of Electronic Document Management or even outsourcing to a specialized service provider. Each company must therefore carefully study the different options in order to choose the one that best corresponds to its objectives and constraints.

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